How To Pay Back GTB Quick Credit Loan In Nigeria

How To Pay Back GTB Quick Credit Loan In Nigeria

How To Pay Back GTB Quick Credit Loan In Nigeria: Do you want to pay back your loan from GTB Quick Credit but don’t know how to go about it? This post contains a general overview of how to pay back a GTB Quick Credit loan in Nigeria.

As we all know, the development of borrowing money has helped many individuals and organizations to easily access funds that may not be available to them at present, enabling them to finance their various needs and goals. It has also helped a lot of individuals to maintain a consistent standard of living or level of business activities even when hit with financial difficulties.

However, it is always important to pay back your loan at the appropriate time in other to maintain your financial stability, credit score, relationship with the lender, and personal reputation. It can also avoid legal consequences.

What is GTB Quick Credit?

Just like we explained in our previous post, GTB Quick Credit is an instant and convenient loan product offered by Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB). It is an easy-to-use service specially designed for customers who need instant cash to finance their various needs and goals.

With this loan product, you can borrow from N5,000 to N5 million and payback within 12 months. The interest rate is 2.0% per month, and they also charge a Credit Insurance Fee of 1% (One-Off Charge).

There are other loan products offered by GTB, like GT Salary Advance, Max Advance, Max Plus, GT Mortgage, Premium Advance, etc. However, this post is only focused on the GTB Quick Credit loan and categorically discusses how you can pay back the loan.

You can also check out this awesome article about how to qualify for GTB Quick Credit if you are willing to access the loan but don’t know where to start.

How To Pay Back GTB Quick Credit Loan In Nigeria

Paying back your GTB Quick Credit loan in Nigeria is very straightforward. It can be done via a USSD code or using the bank app. In any way, it is advisable to keep track of your loan payments to ensure they are applied correctly. This is very important as it helps avoid any potential errors or disputes that may arise.

How To Pay Back GTB Quick Credit Loan In Nigeria Via USSD Code

To pay back your GTB Quick Credit loan via a USSD code, follow the steps below:

  1. Dial *737*0#
  2. Select option 4 (replacement) when prompted.
  3. Select option 2 (close credit) when prompted.
  4. Finally, input your pin to authenticate the transaction


How To Pay Back GTB Quick Credit Loan In Nigeria Via Bank App

To pay back your GTB Quick Credit loan via the bank app, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the GTBank app from the Google Play or Apple Store or via their internet banking platform. Skip this step if you already have the app.
  2. Open the app and log in or sign up
  3. Once you are logged in, select the Quick Loan icon.
  4. Select Salary Advance option
  5. Click on the Repay Loan button to initiate the repayment process
  6. Finally, input your pin to authenticate the transaction


Just like we previously stated, paying back your GTB Quick Credit loan in Nigeria is very straightforward, and there is no stress involved. It is effectively done by simply following the steps mentioned above. However, make sure you have sufficient funds in your account before kickstarting the repayment process.

You can also visit any of the GTBank branches around if you prefer to make your loan payments manually.


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